Courtesy: LINK1
Monday, February 03, 2025
SAP Cost center Integration (S4/ECC to EC)
The steps for Cost center integration from S4/ECC to EC
1) Check Segment details: ODTF_CCTR01
= WE30 à ODTF_CCTR01à Display
Double click in the E101ODTF_S_COST_CENTER_NAME
> Segment editor
In the below screen you can see the lengths of the fields. This is the standard configuration and the same length should be kept in the SF side (Admin center > Configure Object Definitions > Cost Center > config is reflected in the FOCostCenter OData entity)
2) Create RFC Connections (SM59)
Transaction SM59 à Connection
type G à Create:
Host is the CPI tenant URL of the step 1. One common mistake is to add https:// here (this is not required).
Port is BLANK here
Path Prefix is the address defined the “Sender” tab configuration of your CPI.
Under Logon & Security, we typed
the CPI username and password and we also selected the SSL Certificate Active
and SSL Client (Standard).
We did not add the CPI certificates under STRUST
this time, because this was already done inside the BIB implementation (step 3
of this other blog posting).
Important. In this blog posting, we did not enable the Change pointers, because
we will manually sync Cost centers. In one customer real life scenario, please
enable the Change pointers according the chapter 6.2 Enabling
3) Create Distribution model (SALE)
Transaction SALE à Basic Settings à Logical Systems à Define Logical Systems à created the S4ACLNT200 and CPI_BR Logical Systems. These names are the suggestions from our test system. In your side, you can create something according your landscape like PP1CLNT700 and CPI_US, etc.
Create Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views (SALE)
code: SALE
à Modelling
and Implementing Business Processes
à Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views
Create a
New Model View
Switch to
the edit mode à Create Model view with the technical name EC_CC_REPL
Create a new Message Type (under the Model View)
Message Type ODTF_CCTR with the Model view EC_CC_REPL
Created Sender
and Receiver:
Sender: CLNT120
Receiver: SCI
Transaction WE21 à XML HTTP à Create :
Replicate S4 Cost center to EC
Destination: S4_CC_to_EC (from Transaction SM59)
Content Type: Application/x-sap.idoc
HTTP Version: 1.0
SOAP Protocol: Enabled
5) Create Partner Profile (WE21)
Transaction WE20 à Partner
Type LS à Create:
Partner Type LS: HSSCI (available from SALE
Added Outbound Message
Type: Clicked in the plus button of the Outbound
Included the message Type ODTF-CCTR
Receiver Port CC_CPI
Basic Type ODFT_CCTR01
Completed the settings like above and Saved.
6) Now let’s test.
Transaction SE38 > run the report named ODTF_REPL_CC.
For this sample purpose, we selected just one
cost center (code "REM") and we flagged some options according below.
Logical System (value previously created)
Receiver Partner No. (value previously created)
Send IDOC.
After you execute, you can see the ID of the
IDOC created.
This internal system is not
sending IDOCs automatically because like I explained, the change pointers were
not configured.
To push this to CPI and SuccessFactors, please
use the transaction:
Access the transaction BD87 à type the IDOC ID and run.
7) Badi to be implemented: ODTF_CO_REPL_IDOC_COST_CENTERS
Badi will help for mapping, implement the badi with following tech details:
Using Badi, please find tech details:
step1: create a custom table Z_MAP_TABLE
step3: read the record from importing parameter: IT_SEL_COST_CENTER[ ]-KOSTL (CC)
step4: create a table for mapping (old CC vs CC); Get the new company code comparing old company code same as system returning in step1
step5: Parameters where data to be saved in code(badi) for each corresponding cost center
step7: update the new value to step6
Curtesy: Link1; Link2; PDF; BOOK1; CPI Configuration