Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Anthropology : Back to Golden Time

Anthropology comes from Greek words Anthropos, means human being and logos, means study. It is a beautiful branch of history of evolution of human beings and their efforts of developing the concept of society. However The subject is not the only study of human beings which also include the socio-cultural developments of humans. Therefore in totality anthropology include biological evolution of human being, their social, cultural and linguistic development and also include archaeological study of human relicts. Thus social issues like birth control, labor unrest, juvenile delinquency, mortality rate can be dealt with the help of information gathered from anthropological studies.Career News brought this issue of importance of studying anthropology and its career prospectus.

Scope of Education: Various government research institutes are there which employ anthropologists most importantly the Anthropological Survey of India. There are other important institutions that have to deal with technical aspects of human evolution and therefore require the service of anthropologists like Planning Commission and Commission for Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Classes Commission, Minority Commission and Commission on Schedule Tribes. Other areas of employment include human resource departments of corporate houses and industries. Anthropologists are also employed in museums, art galleries, libraries and archives. They also can be employed as archaeologists, curators, linguists and social workers in media houses, publishing houses and NGOs. Anthropologists also find employment in forensic science departments and criminal investigation departments. Those who are interested in teaching may find several collages and universities offering Anthropology as a subject.

Scope of Job: Anthropologists have multiple career options. In east the career opportunity is vast. The scope for being a research scholar plays a major importance. Industries like the UNESCO, UNICEF and WHO hires quality scholars and research activists. The subject itself has far better scope outside in western region. Good skilled anthropologists are hired with high package and put them in the field of medicine, law, business and other professional era. Community development programs and public service programs are also as well considered as a major industries to work on.

courtesy: indiaedu, highereducationinindia, xcel