Monday, May 10, 2010

Importance of Using a Recruitment Agency to Find You a Job

Are you feeling tired and frustrated after seeing no results from your job hunting efforts? You attend interview after interview, and you wait patiently day by day to receive a phone call from an employer with good news. But the call never came. Soon, your patience starts to wear thin, and you feel tired and frustrated. Perhaps even a tad angry that you didn't get the job you feel you deserve. Follow the Career News to know how to get better help from a recruitment agency.

Job recruitment agencies have active customer bases. Their customers are the employers. Whenever someone recommended by the recruitment agency is hired, the agency gets paid a commission. The amount of commission depends of private agreements between the employer and the agency. In other words, the primary function of the job agency is to serve the human resource needs of the organization. The faster the agency finds the right match, the faster they get paid.

So in order to make the right match quickly, job agencies are known to keep a database of potential candidates. When a job opportunity arises, the recruitment agency will attempt to contact job candidates to see if they are still looking for a job. If these candidates are still available, and if they have the right qualifications, they may be called in by the agency for a quick interview. In some cases, the positions are so urgent that the agency will conduct the interview over the phone, and send the candidate directly over.

If you are feeling frustrated because your job hunting efforts haven't been fruitful, try contacting a recruitment agency. For all you know, your dream job may just be sitting around waiting for the ideal candidate - you!

As the job seeker, you do not have to pay any fees when you engage the services of a recruitment agency. The employers are the ones who pay the agencies, not you. The agencies will also do all the coordination work for you. If you have the right qualifications, they will fix up the interview appointment for you, and let you know the date and time. Top recruitment agencies may even call you up after an interview to find out if an interview went smoothly or not.

If an interview is unsuccessful, the recruitment agency will then look at other opportunities to see if there is a good fit for you. This process continues until the agency matches you with a job.

When you contact a recruitment agency, bear in mind that you have to play your part as well. Make the job of the recruitment agency easier by providing them lots of useful information about yourself. For example, testimonials from previous employers will help. Also, help them see how you qualify for certain jobs. Perhaps you have been taking private classes. Or maybe you find yourself having a strong passion for certain types of jobs. Make such information known to the recruitment agency. They will be better equipped to help promote you when they speak with the employers.

If you can do that, you are ready to enjoy the full benefits provided by recruitment agencies.

Courtesy : Strategic-ict